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Book title:

Bigarures (les) d'un citoyen de Genève

Keywords:  American Revolution, Anti-Clerical Works, Britain, Catholicism, Christianity, Colonial policy, Cultural news, Current Affairs, France, Geneva, History, International relations, Political theory, Politics, Religion, Religious orders, Satirical works, Sceptical works, Switzerland

Parisian category: Politique

Illegality:  Darnton’s Corpus (45 copies requested in 12 orders)

Acquired:  302 full copies

Sold and Given:  between 158 and 159 copies

Returns:  79 full copies

N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively.  Click 'events for this book' below for details.



Full title: Bigarures (les) d'un citoyen de Genève et ses conseils républicains ...: Avec quantités d'Anecdotes amusantes ... et autres pour servir à terminer l`histoire des Jésuites
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions
Language(s): French
Publication: Philadelphia [Winterthur], 1776
Details: 1 volume, in-8°
Notes: Attribution - only possible edition at source date. Author purports to be Rousseau but this considered unlikely.
Full title: [Bigarures (les) d'un citoyen de Genève]
Edition type (by origin): Place of publication unknown
Language(s): French
Publication: [?]
Details: 2 volumes
Notes: Attribution - edition details not resolved, 2 volumes.