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Item 1: [ select a profession group ] Architecture and Engineering Bailiff Banking and Finance Beekeeper Book Trade Official Bookbinders Bookseller Carpentry and Woodworking Catholic Clergy Central Government Clothing and Textiles Commercial Services Diplomat Directors of Musées Economics and Agronomy Editors Education Financial Administration Food and Beveridges Historians and Archaeologists Hospitality Landlord Law Leatherworking Libraries and Reading Rooms Local Government Manager Mechanical Trades Medicine Merchant Metalworkers and Jewellers Military Officer Misc. Artisanal Trades Misc. Literary Figures Miscellaneous Officials Miscellaneous professions Musician Painters, Engravers and Draughtsmen Pharmacy Postal Services Print-Seller Printer Printing supplies Printshop workers Protestant Clergy Publishers Retailer Scientist Secretary Theologians Translator Transport Undetermined
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Item 2: [ select a profession group ] Architecture and Engineering Bailiff Banking and Finance Beekeeper Book Trade Official Bookbinders Bookseller Carpentry and Woodworking Catholic Clergy Central Government Clothing and Textiles Commercial Services Diplomat Directors of Musées Economics and Agronomy Editors Education Financial Administration Food and Beveridges Historians and Archaeologists Hospitality Landlord Law Leatherworking Libraries and Reading Rooms Local Government Manager Mechanical Trades Medicine Merchant Metalworkers and Jewellers Military Officer Misc. Artisanal Trades Misc. Literary Figures Miscellaneous Officials Miscellaneous professions Musician Painters, Engravers and Draughtsmen Pharmacy Postal Services Print-Seller Printer Printing supplies Printshop workers Protestant Clergy Publishers Retailer Scientist Secretary Theologians Translator Transport Undetermined
Item 3: [ select a profession group ] Architecture and Engineering Bailiff Banking and Finance Beekeeper Book Trade Official Bookbinders Bookseller Carpentry and Woodworking Catholic Clergy Central Government Clothing and Textiles Commercial Services Diplomat Directors of Musées Economics and Agronomy Editors Education Financial Administration Food and Beveridges Historians and Archaeologists Hospitality Landlord Law Leatherworking Libraries and Reading Rooms Local Government Manager Mechanical Trades Medicine Merchant Metalworkers and Jewellers Military Officer Misc. Artisanal Trades Misc. Literary Figures Miscellaneous Officials Miscellaneous professions Musician Painters, Engravers and Draughtsmen Pharmacy Postal Services Print-Seller Printer Printing supplies Printshop workers Protestant Clergy Publishers Retailer Scientist Secretary Theologians Translator Transport Undetermined