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Mémoires historiques, politiques et militaires sur la Russie, by Manstein, Christoph Hermann [von]

Keywords:  Commerce, Current Affairs, Economics, History, Military Affairs, Military history, Politics, Russia, Russo-Turkish wars

Parisian category: Histoire de Pays Septentrionaux

Acquired:  23 full copies

Sold and Given:  26 full copies

Returns:  3 full copies

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Full title: Mémoires historiques, politiques et militaires sur la Russie
Edition type (by origin): French editions [vol 1]
Author(s): Manstein, Christoph Hermann [von]
Original title: Historische, politische und militärische Nachrichten von Rußland von dem Jahre 1727 bis 1744
Original language: German
Language(s): French
Publication: Lyon [Lyons]: Jean Marie Bruyset, 1772
Details: 2 volumes, in-8°, pages: XLIV, 366; 428
Notes: Attribution - sourced from Lyon and Besançon, manuscript information.