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Book title:

Judicial Memoires

Keyword type: Sub-category

Keyword definition: Genre of legal work, created in the course of Judicial Proceedings in order to put the case of one or more protagonists in a legal dispute. In France, in particular, such works enjoyed freedom from censorship, or at least considerable latitude, and it became customary for participants in high profile legal cases to use them to appeal to the ‘tribunal of public opinion’, in the hope of swaying or pressurising judges or discrediting their enemies. Such works were often used, also, for political purposes, and sometimes became best-sellers. This keyword is a sub-category of ‘Law’ and ‘Judicial proceedings’.

Number of books: 25 (0.69%)

Total copies in: 45,868 (10.30%)

Total copies out: 24,928 (6.03%)

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