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Histoire des gouvernemens du nord, by Williams, John
Keywords: Current Affairs, Denmark, Economics, History, Netherlands, Poland, Political institutions, Politics, Public administration, Russia, Sweden
Parisian category: Histoire de Pays Septentrionaux
Acquired: 12 full copies
Sold and Given: 7 full copies
N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively. Click 'events for this book' below for details.
Full title: Histoire des gouvernemens du nord ou de l'origine et des progrès du gouvernement des Provinces-Unies, du Danemark, de la Suède, de la Russie et de la Pologne jusqu'en 1777, ouvrage traduit de l'anglois de M. Williams, dans lequel on développe les ressources et l'état actuel des gouvernements du nord
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions
Translator(s): Démeunier, Jean-Nicolas
Original title: The Rise, Progress and Present State of the Northern Governments, viz. the United Provinces, Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Poland
Original language: English
Language(s): French
Publication: Yverdon: [F.-B. de Felice], 1780
Details: 6 volumes, in-12°
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions --- [VOL. 1] --- [VOL. 2] --- [VOL. 3] --- [VOL. 4] --- [VOL. 5] --- [VOL. 6]
Author(s): Williams, John --- [VOL. 2] --- [VOL. 3] --- [VOL. 4] --- [VOL. 5] --- [VOL. 6]
Translator(s): Démeunier, Jean-Nicolas
Original title: The Rise, Progress and Present State of the Northern Governments, viz. the United Provinces, Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Poland
Original language: English
Language(s): French
Publication: Yverdon: [F.-B. de Felice], 1780
Details: 6 volumes, in-12°
LFB Catalogue 1787
Notes: Attribution - only extant six volume edition located, catalogue information.