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Religion (de la) Chrétienne, by Addison, Joseph

Keywords:  Apologetic works, Biblical history, Biblical study, Christian Doctrine, Christian enlightenment text, Christian theology, Christianity, Church History, History, Protestant text, Religion, Theology, Work of Religiosity

Parisian category: La Sainte Bible & commentaires

Acquired:  171 full copies

Sold and Given:  163 full copies

N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively.  Click 'events for this book' below for details.



Full title: Religion (de la) Chrétienne, ouvrage traduit de l'anglais de M. Addison, par Gabriel Seigneur de Correvon... avec une préface, un discours préliminaire, des notes et des dissertations du traducteur, qui y a joint une dissertation de feu M. de Cheseaux sur l'année de la naissance de N. S. et celle de sa mort. Nouvelle édition
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions --- [VOL. 3] --- [VOL. 2] --- [VOL. 1]
Author(s): Addison, Joseph
Translator(s): Seigneux de Correvon, Gabriel
Original title: The Evidence of the Christian religion
Original language: English
Language(s): French
Publication: Geneva: C. Philibert et B. Chirol
Details: 3 volumes, in-8°
LFB Catalogue 1787
STN Catalogue 1777
STN Catalogue 1784
Notes: Attribution - sourced from Philibert and Chirol from 1772, who produced edition(s) in 1771 and 1772. STN catalogue 1784 indicates that the 1771 edition was still in stock, while MS 1007 refers only to 1772 edition. Fauche-Borel Catalogue (1787) gives 3 vols, (Geneva, 1772), in-8°. It has not always been possible from STN manuscripts to isolate which transactions relate to which editions.