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Book title:

Espion anglois (l'), by Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu-François

Keywords:  Actors and Actresses, American Revolution, Britain, Colonial policy, Cultural news, Current Affairs, Europe, France, International relations, Military Affairs, Miscellaneous essays, Music, Politics, Scandal, Scandalous anecdotes, Social mores, Theatre, United States of America

Parisian category: Histoire universelle & particulière

Illegality:  Darnton’s Corpus (404 copies requested in 41 orders); Poinçot’s Inventory of the Bastille (France, 1789)

Printed:  1,000 full copies

Acquired:  between 18 and 605 copies

Sold and Given:  between 1,097 and 1,326 copies

Returns:  between 5 and 6 copies

N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively.  Click 'events for this book' below for details.



Full title: Espion anglois (l'), ou correspondance secrète entre milord All'eye et milord Alle'ar
Edition type (by origin): Livres en Société: STN joint editions
Author(s): Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu-François
Language(s): French
Publication: London [Berne?; Neuchâtel?]: [Société Typographique de Berne?; Société Typographique de Neuchâtel?], 1779-1783
Details: 7 volumes, in-12°
STN Catalogue 1785
Notes: Attribution - STN Catalogue 1785 information. N.B. the publication history of Swiss editions of this work was complex and is yet to be fully resolved.
Full title: Espion anglois (l'), ou correspondance secrète entre milord All'eye et milord Alle'ar
Edition type (by origin): Place of publication unknown
Author(s): Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu-François
Language(s): French
Publication: [?]
Details: 4 volumes
Notes: Attribution - edition not identified.
Full title: Espion anglois (l'), ou correspondance secrète entre milord All'eye et milord Alle'ar
Edition type (by origin): Livres en Société: STN joint editions
Author(s): Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu-François
Language(s): French
Publication: [Neuchâtel]: [Société Typographique de Neuchâtel], [1782]
Details: 1 volume
Notes: Attribution - STN edition identified but not located by Schmidt. N.B. Volume information unclear. The publication history of Swiss editions of this work was complex and is yet to be fully resolved.
Full title: Espion anglois (l'), ou correspondance secrète entre milord All'eye et milord Alle'ar
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions
Author(s): Pidansat de Mairobert, Mathieu-François
Language(s): French
Publication: Geneva, 1779-1787
Details: 10 volumes, in-12°
LFB Catalogue 1787
Notes: Attribution - LFB Catalogue 1787 information.