Town: |
NYON (NYON)Distance from Neuchâtel: 86 km Notes: Place identity and details confirmed in the Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse. |
Total number of books going to this town: 49
- books by sales to this place
- books by supply from this place
- keywords by sales to this place
- keywords by supply from this place
- clients by sales to this place
- clients by supply from this place
Professions of clients with addresses in this area: (note that this list does not include itinerant clients who may have traded from this area at some point) |
1. | undetermined profession | |
2. | agronome (Agronomist) | |
3. | avocat (Lawyer) | |
4. | bailli (Bailiff) | |
5. | banquier (Banker) | |
6. | bibliothécaire (Librarian) | |
7. | botaniste (Botanist) | |
8. | châtelain (Lord) | |
9. | commissionnaire (Business Agent) | |
10. | conseiller [local government] (Councillor [Local government]) | |
11. | courtier (Agent) | |
12. | directeur des Postes (Director of the Postal Service) | |
13. | drapiers (Drapers / Clothmakers) | |
14. | économiste (Economist) | |
15. | géographe (Geographer) | |
16. | libraire (Bookseller) | |
17. | littérateur (Man of Letters) | |
18. | pasteur (Pastor) | |
19. | précepteur (Tutor) | |
20. | professeur de mathématique (Professor of Mathematics) | |
21. | relieur (Bookbinder) |