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Book title:

Description des Alpes pennines et rhétiennes, by Bourrit, Marc-Théodore

Keywords:  Alps, Geography, Italy, Mountains, Switzerland

Parisian category: Histoire naturelle des différens pays

Acquired:  between 56 and 267 copies

Sold and Given:  between 31 and 221 copies

Returns:  between 0 and 1 copy

N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively.  Click 'events for this book' below for details.



Full title: Description des Alpes pennines et rhétiennes
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions
Author(s): Bourrit, Marc-Théodore
Language(s): French
Publication: Geneva, 1781-1785
Details: 3 volumes, in-8°
LFB Catalogue 1787
Notes: Attribution - at least two editions of this work were produced, and it was sometimes traded with an additional volumes of planches. The third volume, the 'Nouvelle description des glacières et glaciers de Savoye', which was first published in early 1770, was added to the sets sold by the STN in September 1786 - see MS1007.