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Book title:

Lucrèce, by Lucrèce

Keywords:  Epistemology, Literature, Materialism, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Poetry

Parisian category: Poétique

Illegality:  Darnton’s Corpus (2 copies requested in 1 orders)

Acquired:  12 full copies

N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively.  Click 'events for this book' below for details.



Full title: Lucrèce: de la nature des choses
Edition type (by origin): Place of publication unknown
Author(s): Lucrèce
Original title: De rerum natura
Original language: Latin
Language(s): French
Publication: n.pl. [?]
Details: 1 volume
Notes: Attribution: edition not known: several produced with various translators. Superbook attribution is also uncertain. MS data could also refer to 'Lucrece', a tragedy published by Dufour (Londres et Paris, 1765), though dating makes this unlikely. As the STN acquired their copies from Lyon in late 1787, it is probable that they were the (Paris, 1788) edition published by Moutard. The most recent previous French edition appears to be 1768. Darnton records orders for the 1768 edition from Chevrier in Poitiers, but there is no evidence in STN accounting sources that it was ever despatched. As 'De rerum natura' is the only extant work by Lucretius, there is can be doubt as to which of the author's works are indicated by the MS, if it refers to the person and not the tragedy.