Book title: |
Remarques sur les loix et statuts du Pays de Vaud, by Boyve, Jérôme-Emmanuel
Keywords: Berne, Law, Pays de Vaud, Switzerland
Parisian category: Droit Etranger
Acquired: 51 full copies
Sold and Given: 58 full copies
Returns: 4 full copies
N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively. Click 'events for this book' below for details.
Full title: Remarques sur les loix et statuts du Pays de Vaud, par feu J. François Boyve, maire de Bevaix, & avocat en la suprême chambre des appellations romandes à Berne
Edition type (by origin): Neuchâtel editions (non-STN)
Author(s): Boyve, Jérôme-Emmanuel
Language(s): French
Publication: Neuchâtel: S. Fauche, 1776
Details: 2 volumes, in-4°, pages: [50], 293, [1 bl.]; [2], 282
Edition type (by origin): Neuchâtel editions (non-STN)
Author(s): Boyve, Jérôme-Emmanuel
Language(s): French
Publication: Neuchâtel: S. Fauche, 1776
Details: 2 volumes, in-4°, pages: [50], 293, [1 bl.]; [2], 282
LFB Catalogue 1787
STN Catalogue 1779
Notes: Attribution - catalouge information, sourced from Fauche in 1776.
STN Catalogue 1779