Book title: |
Relation des derniers tremblemens de terre arrivés en Calabre et en Sicile, by Hamilton, William
Keywords: Calabria, Earthquakes, Italy, Sicily
Parisian category: Histoire naturelle des Elémens, Métaux, Minéraux, Pierres & Pierreries, Eaux, Fleuves, &c. &c.
Acquired: 35 full copies
Sold and Given: 22 full copies
N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively. Click 'events for this book' below for details.
Full title: Relation des derniers tremblemens de terre arrivés en Calabre et en Sicile..., par M.W. Hamilton; trad. de l'anglois; et enrichie de notes trad. de l'italien... [de] G. Sella,..
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions
Author(s): Hamilton, William
Editor(s): Sella, Gasparo
Original title: An Account of the Earthquakes in Calabria, Sicily etc.
Original language: English
Language(s): French
Publication: Geneva: P. Barde, 1784
Details: 1 volume, in-12°, pages: [4], 76
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions
Author(s): Hamilton, William
Editor(s): Sella, Gasparo
Original title: An Account of the Earthquakes in Calabria, Sicily etc.
Original language: English
Language(s): French
Publication: Geneva: P. Barde, 1784
Details: 1 volume, in-12°, pages: [4], 76
LFB Catalogue 1787
STN Catalogue 1785
Notes: Attribution - sourced from Barde, catalogue information.
STN Catalogue 1785