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Book title:

Histoire de mademoiselle Sara Burgerhart, by Deken, Agatha; Wolff, Elizabeth Bekker

Keywords:  Epistolary Fiction, Literature, Netherlands, Prose Fiction, Sentimental Fiction

Parisian category: Romans

Acquired:  1 full copy

Sold and Given:  15 full copies

N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively.  Click 'events for this book' below for details.



Full title: Histoire de mademoiselle Sara Burgerhart, publiée sous forme de lettres par E. Bekker, A. Dekers; traduite du hollandois d'après la seconde édition
Edition type (by origin): Other Swiss editions
http://books.google.com/books?vid=BCUL1099002751& [Vol 1]
http://books.google.com/books?vid=BCUL1099002752& [Vol 2]
http://books.google.com/books?vid=BCUL1099002753& [Vol 3]
http://books.google.com/books?vid=BCUL1099002754& [Vol 4]
Author(s): Deken, Agatha; Wolff, Elizabeth Bekker
Translator(s): Charrière, Isabelle [de]
Original title: Historie van Mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart
Original language: Dutch
Language(s): French
Publication: Lausanne: François Grasset & comp., 1787
Details: 4 volumes, in-18°, pages: 358; 358; 394; 287 [1 bl.]
LFB Catalogue 1787
Notes: Attribution - only extant edition located at time STN traded in work. Fauche-Borel Catalogue (1787) gives 1782 as publication date, but this appears a mistake. 25 copies were ordered from François Grasset on 14 July 1787 (MS 1112, f. 195), and transactions data suggests that this order was fulfilled.