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Book title:

Jésuites (les) chassés de la maçonnerie, by Bonneville, Nicolas [de]

Keywords:  Britain, Catholicism, Chivalric Orders, Christianity, Current Affairs, France, Freemasonry, History, Jesuits, Knights Templar, Politics, Religion, Religious orders, Satirical works, Scotland

Parisian category: Histoire des ordres militaires & de Chevalerie

Acquired:  1 full copy

Sold and Given:  1 full copy

N.B. Lower and upper limits (where given) are calculated by treating each incomplete set - i.e. each set containing some but not all volumes of the edition - as 0 and 1 respectively.  Click 'events for this book' below for details.



Full title: Jésuites (les) chassés de la maçonnerie et leur poignard brisé par les maçons
Edition type (by origin): French editions
Author(s): Bonneville, Nicolas [de]
Language(s): French
Publication: London [Paris]: J.-G. Robinson, 1788
Details: 1 volume, in 2 sections, in-8°, pages: 148, 136
Notes: Attribution - short title given in manuscript 'maçonnerie écossaise' suggests this is the first volume of this work, which is entitled 'La Maçonnerie écossoise comparée avec les trois professions et le secret des Templiers du 14e siècle ', and appears in some library catalogues as a single volume. Manuscript information suggests in two sections, in one volume, so is almost certainly the complete edition, as volumes were short. Only extant edition located.