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Browse Clients by Name

Bornand, Jacob-François

Client type: Foreign book trade client


profession translation profession group economic sector
commis STN Clerk/Agent of the STN Secretary Book trade

Supplied:  1 book (in 1 order)

Acquired:  9 books (in 5 orders)

As Agent:  between 38 and 39 books (in 1 order)


Additional documents - 2 'conventions de la STN avec Bornand' 08/03/1783 & 08/03/1784; 2 'projet du convention' 26/08/1783 & undated. Victor Durand named in his place after 10/01/1786.See Livre de Menus débiteurs A, p. 111-116.



Date(s):  20th August 1769 - 12th November 1785

There are 36 documents from this client in the archive, of which 32 are letters.


Manuscript list (MS, fos):

For more details on archival references, see the complete list of manuscripts.

Named people:

Name: Bornand, Jacob-François
Sex: male
Profession(s): commis STN