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Book title:

Diamond Necklace Affair

Keyword type: Stand alone term

Keyword definition: Works relating to the celebrated French scandal known as the Diamond Necklace Affair, which broke in 1785. The affair related to a group of fraudsters led by the comte and comtesse de La Motte successfully forging Queen Marie-Antoinette’s signature to acquire a fabulous diamond necklace affair. It took on a political dimension when King Louis XVI ordered a public trial to clear the Queen’s name, having arrested her distant kinsman, Cardinal de Rohan, on suspicion of complicity in the fraud. In the political trial that followed, Rohan was acquitted having relied on a defence that impugned the Queen’s morals. The comtesse de La Motte later capitalised on this by producing scandalous and entirely mendacious accounts of the Queen’s sex life. Another figure in the affair, ‘Cagliostro’ has his own keyword in the database (qv.) and books about him may touch on the affair, even if they do not carry the keyword ‘Diamond Necklace Affair’. This keyword is a sub-category of ‘Law’ and ‘Causes celeb

Number of books: 1 (0.03%)

Total copies in: 52 (0.01%)

Total copies out: 12 (0.00%)

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