Economic sector: | |
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Number of clients: 165
Number of people: 170
Associated professions:
- abbé (Abbé)
- archevêque (Archbishop)
- bénédictin (Benedictine Monk)
- candidat au St Ministère (Candidate for Holy Ministry)
- cardinal (Cardinal)
- chancelier [religion] (Chancellor [religious title])
- chanoine (Canon)
- chapelain (Chaplain)
- curé (Parish priest)
- curial (Curial)
- diacre (Deacon)
- franciscain (Franciscan Monk)
- lecteur des Minimes (Reader to the Minims)
- ministre de la Col. franc. (Minister of the French College)
- ministre suffragant (Suffragant Minister)
- ministre [religion] (Minister of Religion)
- Nonce du Pape (Papal Nuncio)
- pasteur (Pastor)
- Prelat de Citeaux (Abbot of Citeaux (Head of the Cistercian Order))
- prêtre [Catholic] (Catholic Priest)
- prêtre [Protestant] (Protestant Pastor)
- proposant (Trainee Minister)
- provost (Provost)
- sécrétaire au Consistoire ecclésiastique (Secretary to the Ecclesiastical Consistory)