18th September 1790 | Out: 4 full copies of [Revenant (le)] to Weitbrecht, J.J. (SAINT-PETERSBOURG)show/hide detailsorder sent via: Preiswerck, Luc (BALE) Book Title: [Revenant (le)] Publication: n.pl. [?] Details: 1 volume Manuscript Source: Main Courante (1032), 26 Crate Number: J.W. n.104. |
7th May 1791 | In: 4 full copies of [Revenant (le)] from Fauche-Borel, Louis (Neuchâtel)show/hide detailsBook Title: [Revenant (le)] Publication: n.pl. [?] Details: 1 volume Manuscript Source: Main Courante (1032), 45 |